
Medium Risk

Smart ETF

An intelligently curated, focused ETF portfolio designed for exceptional wealth creation

Overview Model Portfolio Methodology FAQs

Our Smart ETF basket comprises of 3-5 ETFs from universe of Equity, Gold, Silver etc. ETFs are selected from frontline indices such as Nifty, Nifty 100, Nifty Midcap 100 etc as well as sectoral and strategy indices for superior performance. ETFs are carefully selected based on our quantitative research methodology using value and momentum factors. 

Our goal is to outperform the benchmark i.e BSE 500 through our intelligently curated ETF basket. Its suitable for everyone but specially for beginners who cannot handle volatility of individual stocks and is not very active participants in the market. With our Smart ETF basket, you can generate market beating return at just INR 300 per month.

Number of ETF Re-balance Frequency Launch Date
Up to 5 As needed 10th Jun 2024
Last Update Portfolio Valuation* Portfolio Average ROE*
10th Jun 2024 NA NA
Benchmark Return Since Inception Benchmark Return
*ROE and Valuation based on FY23 Earnings Return figures updated once every week

Universe: All listed ETFs across Equity, Gold and Silver 

ETF Selection: ETFs are carefully selected based on our quantitative research methodology using value and momentum factors. 

Portfolio Creation: A focused portfolio of 3-5 ETFs for superior risk adjusted return

1. What is the advantage of investing in ETFs ?

ETFs (or Exchange Traded Funds) are passive way of taking exposure on an index. With many mutual fund manager fails to outperform the index, ETF is much preferred route for wealth creation at low cost

2. What is the benefit of investing in Coin Street Smart ETF basket ?

Our ETFs are intelligently created to ensure it outperforms the chosen benchmark. We balance the risk by occasionally shifting to Gold and Silver to ensure superior risk adjusted return. 

3. Who should subscribe to this strategy?

Your choice of strategy should depend on your risk profile. Our ETF portfolio will have higher allocation to Equity oriented ETF and therefore it is not recommended for Investors with "conservative"  risk profile

 4. What is the allocation to each ETFs?

There is no fixed allocation percentage. We follow volatility based position sizing and therefore each ETFs will have different allocation based on their historical volatility 

5. What is the Minimum and Suggested Investment Amount?

Minimum Investment Amount is the minimum amount you would need to buy the desired quantity of each ETF to ensure allocation to each ETF is aligned as per the portfolio objectives. 

Suggested Investment Amount is the ideal minimum amount which you should be investing in this strategy to ensure the advisory and other costs are justified in a meaningful way.

 6. Some of the ETFs in the portfolio have increased a lot; is it still worth allocating money to these ETFs?

As long as an ETF is present in the portfolio, we recommend investors to buy as per suggested percentage allocation. We monitor everything regularly and take necessary action as needed

7. Can we invest via SIP route in this portfolio?

Yes, one can invest via monthly SIP option 

8. What kind of return can we expect from this strategy?

Markets are volatile by nature, and they go through periods of ups and downs. Therefore, one cannot provide a figure for expected returns. Your return would depend on when you start and how long you remain invested. It's important to have an investment horizon of at least 3-5 years (longer the better) to get any meaningful return from stock market investing.

9. What is the Benchmark index for this strategy?

The benchmark for this strategy is BSE 500

Minimum Investment Amount

₹ 1,00,043

Suggested Investment Amount

₹ 3,00,000

Get access for ₹625/per month

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